Make the following changes/additions to the alignment procedure given in section 8.4 PAN DISPLAY ADJUSTMENT in the SM-220 Manual.
1. Step 6 notes that "you should hear the scope Marker directly
injected into the transceiver IF." You will NOT be able to
hear the scope marker thru the TS-940S speaker or headphones.
Preceed to step 7 of the alignment procedures.
2. The TS-940S calibrator is a 100 KHz marker not a 25 KHz marker
so you will only see three traces on the display. Adjust per
the instructions in step 7 for maximum amplitude fo the center
trace and equal roll off (amplitude) at the edges. The center
trace should be greater in amplitude than the edges if
3. Step 8. Follow the procedures given (Remember the TS-940S has a 100 KHz marker, not 25 KHz!) Then adjust VR202 and TC201 for equal separation (spacing) of the three traces.
4. The remaining steps are as noted in the SM-220 Manual.